Friends of Ken Bruce

Kenneth F. Bruce (Kenny) September 5th, 1963 - January 5th, 2007

Beloved Son, Brother, Uncle, and Friend

The Gathering of Spirits

Let it go my love my truest,
Let it sail on silver wings
Life's a twinkling that's for certain
But it's such a fine thing
There's a gathering of spirits
There's a festival of friends
And we'll take up where we left off
When we all meet again

I can't explain it, I couldn't if I tried
How the only things we carry
Are the things we hold inside
Like a day out in the open,
Like the love we won't forget
Like the laughter that we started
And hasn't died down yet

Oh yeah, now didn't we
And don't we make it shine
Aren't we standing in the center of
Something rare and fine
Some glow like embers
Or light through colored glass
Some give it all in one great flame
Throwing kisses as they pass

East of Eden
But there's heaven in our midst
And we're never really all that far
From those we love and miss
Wade out in the water
There's a glory all around
The Wisest say there's a 1000 ways
To kneel and kiss the ground

-Carrie Newcomer

In lieu of flowers donations may be made in Ken's name to the following organizations

Humane Society of Indianapolis

Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International

Your Local Community Kitchen

Add Your Thoughts In Our Guestbook

      Please E-Mail Your Name (Required) and Thoughts and they will posted below, Thank you.

Scroll Down To See The Guestbook

Name: Susie Price
Message: Kenny B,
You and your family are in my prayers. You were my "best good friend" and I miss you more than you know.
I'm sorry you had to leave us but I hope you're in peace now. Your buddy - Susie P.

Name: Linda
Message: My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. My heart aches for you. I hope that through the prayers and kindness offered by Ken's friends that you and your family may find Peace. Love, Linda

Name: Donna
Message: Dear Bruce Family,
Ken was a special person who will be missed. He talked about his family a lot. May GOD continue to bless you and see you through this difficult time. May fond memories of Ken remain in our hearts forever.

Name: Peggy Brisnik -Shirley's friend
Message: May God grant all the Bruce Family Comfort Peace Serenity as Ken looks down upon us while in the Hands of the Lord Almighty.

Name: Jeanette Southern Richart
Message: Dale and Audrey I am so sorry to hear of Kenny's death.

Name: Audrey Bruce, Mother
Message: My darling son, I'm trying so hard to remember all the good times. I miss you terribly already and hope time will dull the terrible ache in my heart. I love you so much. xoxo

Name: Dad
Message: Kenny;
I'm crying, not really for you, because I know you've gone to a better and happier place. I'm crying for me because I miss you so very much.

Name: Jo and Jack Moore
Message: Terribly sorry to hear about Kenny. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
Love Jo and Jack

Name: Pat Hinkle
Message: I always considered Ken to be a close and trusted friend, as well as an outstanding investigator. Like so many other people, I will certainly miss Ken. I will remember when Ken helped us with house training our first dog, and volunteering to help in whatever way he could. I will remember the fun times arguing politics with Ken, who affectionately referred to me as "Knuckle Head". Most of all, I will remember the friendship which he extended to me. Rest in peace dear friend.

Name: Kelly (Bowlen) Callahan
Message: Dear Bruce Family, I'm sorry to hear of your loss. Ken and I were in the same graduating class at BHS South. As a Wrestlerette we were asked to encourage the wrestlers, and I was "assigned" to Ken. He was always very gracious in accepting my homemade cookies prior to a meet. Take care.

Name: Phyllis Lucas
Message: A wonderful son and your many blessed memories will carry you through to each tomorrow. Trust in our creator to walk beside you each day and help you along the way. Sending love and prayers.

Name: Steven T. Johnston
Message: When I left Indianapolis 5 years ago, it was important to me that Ken was part of my farewell celebration. One of God's greatest and most precious gifts is the miracle of friendship, and Ken was more than a co-worker; he was a friend. I ate lunch with Ken and walked the downtown area with him on a daily basis. If only I could have one more lunch, one more phone call or even give him a big hug. I've learned we can never take for granted our brief time together, for tomorrow it is gone. We can never underestimate the power of encouraging words, for all of us are fighting some kind of battle. We must seek GOD's face at all times, for HE alone is our hope in a world filled with sorrow. Although Ken is no longer with us in the physical, the happiness he brought to each of us and the good memories we have of him, will last a lifetime. Thank you Ken for being my friend. I love you buddy.

Name: Brian Alspaugh: an old friend of the fam
Message: To the Bruce Family:
While I did not know Ken well, I do remember meeting him once when at his parents' house in Bloomington. I was good friends with Andy, his brother back in high school. Knowing the quality of persons Andy, and his Mother and Father were, I can only surmise that Ken was cut of the same cloth. My thoughts and prayers are with the Bruce Family in this time of great loss and grief. Rest in Peace

Name: The Umphress Family
Message: Dear Family,
Know you are ALL in our prayers. Its been many years since Eastern Heights. May God Bless in your time of need.
Ann, Bud, Lee Ann, Mark, David and Carolyn Umphress

Name: Pat Sanders
Message: Ken & Audrey - Words cannot express our sorrow for your loss. Please know that you and all your family are in our thoughts and prayers. May all the good memories bring you peace.

Name: Lora McKinley Craig
Message: To the Bruce Family: I was very saddened to hear of Kenny's death. I am so sorry for the grief that your family is suffering at this time. As a former neighbor, I have so many fond memories of late summer nights, playing basketball in your driveway. It was always fun when the 'girls' beat the 'boys'. I will always think of Kenny as a wonderful childhood friend. So sorry for your loss, Lora

Name: Dan Rose
Message: To the Bruce Family:
Ken and I were friends and neighbors from grade school through college years and he visited us out of state after graduation. I have many memories of the adventures/mishaps and a few passages we experienced over the years with our other friends. Ken was loyal, driven, level headed and bright. He had a great sense of humor. Though we lost touch of each other the past decade, Ken was a big part of my youth and growing years. I will miss him and am blessed to call him a friend. God Bless.

Name: Joe Waskom
Message: Ken was a good friend. We spent a lot of time discussing "Professor Fleenor" and his newly created language known as "hickphonics". Ken came down to my house in 2000 and assisted me, along with our friends in hauling tons of concrete. I always said that if you want to know your true friends, ask them to help you haul concrete. Ken was indeed a true/loyal friend and will be missed.

Name: Julie
Message: Kenny, I am so sorry you're gone. I love you so and will never forget you and how you saved my life. I wish I could have saved yours.

Name: Sharon
Message: Kenny B. I'm gonna love you forever..forever and ever Amen.
What great memories we have of our times together! We miss you terribly, but know you are finally at peace with God's loving arms wrapped around you.

Name: Jim L.
Message: Our prayers go out to Ken's family. Ken was one of my best friends from Elm Heights to the present, thank you for that gift. I miss him and will not forget. Wrestling Partner, until we wrestle again my friend, until we wrestle again...

Name: George and Mary Ann Smerk
Message: We were so very sorry to hear today from Marcie that you have lost Kenny. Our prayers are with you all.

Name: Your Cousins, Janet and Marilyn
Message: Audrey, Dale and family,
May it help in some way to know that we are sharing the sorrow in your hearts.
Love, Marilyn and Janet

Name: Ann
Message: Tonight my bag is packed,
Tomorrow I'll walk these tracks that lead me across the border...
Tomorrow my love and I will sleep 'neath auburn skies...
Somewhere across the border..
We'll leave behind my dear, the pain and sadness we found here. And we'll drink from the Bravo's muddy waters...Where the sky grows gray and wide,
we'll meet on the other side...There across the border...For you I'll build a house, high upon a grassy hill...Somewhere across the border...Where pain and memory ..pain and memory have been stilled...There across the border...And sweet blossums fill the air..Pastures of gold and green, roll down into cool clear waters...And in your arms 'neath open skies, I'll kiss the sorrow from your eyes...There across the border...Tonight we'll sing the songs... I'll dream of you my corazon...And tomorrow my heart will be strong...And may the saints' blessings and grace carry me safely into your arms...there across the border....For what are we without hope in our hearts, that someday we'll drink from God's blessed waters...And eat the fruit from the vine...I know love and fortune will be mine...Somewhere across the border.//////
A prayer for all the Bruces'....words by Springsteen

Name: Mother
Message: Dear Ken, You would have been comforted to see all your friends and co-workers yesterday. I know it helped us through it. Father Rich said the nicest Mass. I'm sure you didn't realize you had so many friends. I love you. xo Mother

Name: Stephanie Lumbley Wrye
Message: Dear Bruce family... May your memories and those shared by all who knew and loved Ken bring you comfort over the years. While I have not seen Ken in 20 years, he was my friend K-12 and a fun prom date - I have some great memories of "Kenny" and will cherish them even more now.

Name: Your Brother
Message: Kenny,
You were weary; now you're at peace. You simply couldn't have known how much everyone loves of you.
I will miss your sense of humor and your laughter. You imparted to me an appreciation for music and I will thank you for that every day for the rest of my life. The many concerts and movies we went to will live in my memory forever.
Rest in peace, my brother. I'll see you again someday on the other side.
Love, Andy

Name: marcie keating grossack
Message: You were a beautiful lad and will leave a big hole in your family's lives. We are so sorry that you got to such an extreme place in your life. It must have been hell. We hope that you are in a better place and are happy now.
Your neighbors,
Marcie and Irv

Name: Andy
Message: Kenny, we love you and we hope you come back to visit us someday. I hope everyone will love you and we do love you and we can't stop loving you and you can destroy death with your secret powers, Nephew Andy (6 years old)

Name: Barry - A friend from the north.
Message: To the family of Ken Bruce; thank you for letting us, the IRS employees, come together with you to remember Ken. I was impressed by your strength after having lost a loved one. I appreciate your ways in remembering Ken: such as the slideshow, the church bulletin, and this website. If you did not know it before, you know it now, Ken was viewed as a friend by many people in the IRS and elsewhere. I would like to express once again my sympathy to you and my hope that time will heal quickly.

Name: Mike & Martha Dunbar
Message: We do not know what to say, as no words seem adequate to express our grief. We are so very sorry about Kenny and mourn his loss deeply. We remember a handsome young man with that lovely stock of curly red hair, wonderful smile, and warm personality. Our thoughts and prayers go out to you. You are not alone in your sorrow as God is with you as well as all your family and friends. May your happy memories of Kenny somehow ease the pain you are feeling now. With sincere sympathy & love, Mike & Martha

Name: Donna Randle
Message: I did not work with Ken, and did not even know his name at the time. We frequently spoke in passing throughout the federal building. I thought he was such a nice young man. I am so sorry for his family and friends. You will all be in my prayers, and have my heartfelt condolences.

Name: Our Lady of Lourdes Faith Community
Message: Our prayers and sympathy with your family on the loss of your dear son Bruce. We hope that you can experience God's love and comfort in the midst of your sorrow. Please call us if there is anything we can do for you even though we are physically miles apart. In thought and prayer, Barbara Keyes, parish Nurse

Name: Shannon
Message: To The Bruce Family: I worked with Ken for many years and miss him terribly. Ken was a very kind person and always seemed to make me laugh. I am so sorry for your loss and pray that you are able to find comfort in God and in the memories you have of Ken. Kenny B, I miss you!

Name: Tracy Smith
Message: To the Bruce Family,
I worked with Kenny only two years in the same group, and he was my "favorite" agent. I LOVED talking politics with him - of course, it helped that we had the same opinions. Kenny had such a sweet heart, and even sweeter smile. God Bless you all, and Godspeed, Ken.

Name: Maureen O'Connor and June Kavanagh
Message: Dear Audrey and Dale, Your friends here at Our Lady of Lourdes share your grief and want you to know we pray for you at this very sad time. May darling Kenny rest in eternal peace in the arms of our savior Jesus, and His most holy mother.
Love Maureen and Mary June

Name: Doug Bruce
Message: Kenny, Although it has only been a few days, I still find myself smiling as I remember the memories. You were somebody I always looked up to, somebody who was such a leader, somebody for so many people to love. I was always honored that we had the same last name, I know you are in a better place, just know that your friends and family miss you.

Name: Ed & Flo Ogden
Message: Audrey & Dale,
Although we are not there to
comfort you and your family, we are praying that your faith in God will make you strong to endure.
Your friends,
Ed & Flo

Name: Theresa
Message: My prayers go out to the family; we are going to miss Kenny B. I worked with him for 19 years and at times I felt like his second mother, I would tell him to do this or not to do that, he even called me Momma T. CI will never be the same again. I hope knowing Ken had a lot of support from his friends and co-workers will help comfort you doing this time. You will continue to be in our prayers.

Name: Kelli C
Message: Loving Bruce Family-Yesterday's influences-Today's memories-Tomorrow's reunion..."Jesus said to her, 'I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me will live, even though he dies.'" John 11:25 NIV Holding you close in thought and prayer as you walk through this time.

Ken and I were more phone buddies than anything. Talking about his old and new house, molly and megan, his family-Mom, Sisters, Brother, sports, exercising, life. I remember Ken calling me 4/15/06, yes, at the last minute, to ask me a tax question, he pretended that he was my doctor telling me I had some unusual disease. Little did he know my doctor was female (ha!). We both laughed.

I await the time when we can have another long chat together. To my Brother in Christ, Love, Kelli

Name: John and Phoebe Averitt
Message: We are so sorry. May you know our love and friendship are here for you. May the Lord bless you and keep you. May He let his face shine upon you and give you peace.

Name: Gwen Ioos
Message: I am an agent in Louisville, KY. I knew Ken when we were under the Indianapolis Field Office. He always had a kind smile and was so sweet. I ran into him when my family was on vacation in Las Vegas. I was very surprised to see Ken (He was working). Ken gave my elderly father his seat at one the Las Vegas events before he even knew it was my father. I will miss seeing him in the office and will miss his fun nature. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. I pray that God brings you peace. I am sure that Ken is in each of your hearts daily.

Name: Sister Julie
Message: Oh Ken, my proud handsome, strong, smart brother, you were not able to take the pain any longer. I know you're not hurting now and for that I am grateful, but if only we could have taken your pain away for you somehow. I'm so sorry little brother, I love you so. I can remember so well you saying, "Julie, Julie, Julie" with a half grin on your face if I were saying something you didn't agree with.
Thank all of you who have left such kind thoughts and words here for all to share.

Message: I loved Kenny like he was my brother. May he be happy in heaven. Suzanne Bouvier

Name: Lorna
Message: KBB...It still does not seem possible that I will not see you around the office. Smell the broccoli you cooked - that I used to complain about sooo much and called you "Broccoli Boy"...I never thought I would miss that!! I miss your hard boiled eggs, bran cereal, Frito 'Scoops' and the whole chicken in the frig you purchased each I miss you and all those crazy little things. You were a creature of habit!! Now, I am grateful for the smell of cooked floods me with fond memories of you and our friendship.

I find comfort knowing you are finally at peace - in a much better place. I miss your sense of humor, your little jokes and the funny nicknames you had for everyone...I miss hearing you call me "Lorna Dooooone".

To the Bruce family, my heart aches for thoughts and prayers are with you often.

Name: K-K
Message: Ken-I miss you reading to me before bedtime with Molly and Meghan laying at our feet.

I miss your singing loudly while I'm trying to watch "Sponge Bob" and telling me I should be watching the History Channel.

I still eat hard boiled eggs just like you but mom doesn't allow me to feed the yellow part to the dogs.

I keep waiting to hear your car pull in the driveway and can't except you never will again.

I love & miss you, Molly and Meghan.

Tell God I want you to come back so you can tuck me into bed and read to me again. I miss you.

Name: Mother
Message: My darling son, I'm healing slowly. The tears don't come as easily or as often now. I can start focusing on how fortunate I was to have you for so many years. I can think about how sweet you were as a little boy and how much I enjoyed watching you grow into such a handsome young man. Now life must go on and I thank God for your sisters and brother and father to help me.

Name: Colleen
Message: Ken,

I miss you. Not a day goes by without me smiling because I remember somethng funny you did or said.

I used to say you had a direct line to God....I wish I still had a direct line to you.